Dec. 6th Great Winter Maintenance Tips for Your Vehicle  

Since the winter season is finally here, it’s important that we take the time to prep both our homes and our vehicles for the remaining brisk season. From frigid temperatures, icy roads, snow, salted streets and everything in between can be very damaging to your car which is why it’s essential that your vehicle is in excellent condition to take on the winter season. It’s still early, so be sure to take the necessary steps to ensure that your vehicle–and yourself-stay safe throughout the winter.

Winter Maintenance Tips and Tricks

It’s highly difficult for your car to withstand the brutal winter temperatures when proper maintenance and preparations haven’t been made on it. The last thing you want is to get stuck on the side of the road when it’s cold and snowy. So, make sure that your car is in tip-top shape to take on the obstacles of the winter. Check out these important tips and tricks that will help to keep your vehicle in peak condition throughout the winter season:

  • Replace your tires: This winter, make sure you switch out your tires for ones that are more compatible with the season. Upgrading all of your tires may be a tad expensive, but it’s an expense that’s truly worth it. Winter tires are designed to stand strong against slippery roads and cold pavement. These special tires will increase traction and reduce the possibility of hydroplaning.
  • Make sure your antifreeze levels are correct: Antifreeze, also known as coolant, is essential for all vehicles. Antifreeze/coolant is designed to keep your engine from freezing once the temperatures start to drop. Before driving around town in the cold, always make sure your car has the right antifreeze levels.
  •  Always keep a full tank of gas: Staying prepared for all the weather that winter can bring forth is so important. In case of a winter storm, always make sure that your car has a full tank of gas or half a tank at the least. By keeping a full tank of gas, you are significantly reducing the possibility of water–from snow–accumulating in your tank and freezing. You’ll also be ensuring that you will always have enough gas in case of an emergency.
  • Monitor your tire pressure: It’s important to remember as the temperature drops, so will your tire pressure. Driving your vehicle with low tire pressure can be very dangerous for both your car and yourself. Driving with low pressure can cause premature wear and tear of your tires which can result in a puncture.

Take the time this winter season to implement these tips and tricks. With a well-maintenance car, you will be fully prepared for the upcoming winter, and most importantly, safe.